

Statement of a problem № m782


Refer to the Baseball 2012 data, which reports information on the 30 Major League Base-ball teams for the 2012 season. Set up three variables: • Divide the teams into two groups, those that had a winning season and those that did not. That is, create a variable to count the teams that won 81 games or more, and those that won 80 or less. • Create a new variable for attendance, using three categories: attendance less than 2.0 million, attendance of 2.0 million up to 3.0 million, and attendance of 3.0 million or more. • Create a variable that shows the teams that play in a stadium less than 15 years old versus one that is 15 years old or more. Answer the following questions. a. Create a table that shows the number of teams with a winning season versus those with a losing season by the three categories of attendance. If a team is selected at random, compute the following probabilities: 1. The team had a winning season. 2. The team had a winning season or attendance of more than 3.0 million. 3. The team had a winning season given attendance was more than 3.0 million. 4. The team has a winning season and attracted fewer than 2.0 million fans. b. Create a table that shows the number of teams with a winning season versus those that play in new or old stadiums. If a team is selected at random, compute the following probabilities: 1. Selecting a team with a winning season. 2. The likelihood of selecting a team with a winning record and playing in a new stadium. 3. The t

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