

Statement of a problem № m40724


As a start in analyzing these data, a. Graph these data and indicate whether they appear to have a linear trend. b. Develop a simple linear regression model with time as the independent variable. Using this regression model, describe the trend and the strength of the linear trend over the 16 years. Is the trend line statistically significant? Plot the trend line against the actual data. c. Compute the MAD value for this model. d. Provide the Malcar Autoparts Company an estimate of its expected sales for the next 5 years. e. Provide the maximum and minimum sales Malcar can expect with 90% confidence for the year 2014. Refer to Malcar Autoparts Company, which has started producing replacement control micro-computers for automobiles. This has been a growth industry since the first control units were introduced in 1985. Sales data since 1994 are as follows: Year Sales($) 1994…………………240,000 1995…………………218,000 1996…………………405,000 1997…………………587,000 1998…………………795,000 1999…………………762,000 2000…………………998,000 2001……………….1,217,000 2002……………….1,570,000 2003……………….1,947,000 2004……………….2,711,000 2005……………….3,104,000 2006……………….2,918,000 2007……………….4,606,000 2008……………….5,216,000 2009……………….5,010,000

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