

Statement of a problem № m40620


An article in USA Today (October 19, 2010) described a study to investigate how young children learn. Sixty- four toddlers age 18 months participated in the study. The toddlers were allowed to play in a lab equipped with toys and which had a robot that was hidden behind a screen. The article states: “After allowing the infants playtime, the team removed the screen and let the children see the robot. In some tests, an adult talked to the robot and played with it. In others the adult ignored the robot. After the adult left the room, the robot beeped and then turned its head to look at a toy to the side of the infant.” The researchers planned to see if the result-ing data supported the claim that children are more likely to follow the robot’s gaze to the toy when they see an adult play with the robot than when they see an adult ignore the robot.

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