

Statement of a problem № m1407


An airline plans to initiate service at an airport in a city of approximately 500,000 people. To determine staffing requirements, officials for the airline take advantage of the sample survey data on the relationship between the number of flights per week and the number of employees for 30 airlines at various airports in cities that are similar in size (approximately 300,000 to 700,000). The data is found below.  .:.  .:. Regression Analysis: EMP. versus FLIGHTS The regression equation is EMP. = - 23.3 + 1.04 FLIGHTS Predictor      Coef  SE Coef       T      P Constant    -23.261    2.177  -10.68  0.000 FLIGHTS     1.04407  0.03202   32.60  0.000 S = 4.31057   R-Sq = 97.4%   R-Sq(adj) = 97.3% Analysis of Variance Source          DF      SS      MS        F      P Regression       1   19752   19752  1063.00  0.000 Residual Error 28     520      19 Total           29   20272   Predicted Values for New Observations New Obs      Fit  SE Fit       95% CI            95% PI       1   28.943   0.896  ( 27.107,  30.779)  ( 19.924,  37.961)       2  133.350   2.883  (127.445, 139.255)  (122.728, 143.973)XX XX denotes a point that is an extreme outlier in the predictors. Values of Predictors for New Observations New Obs FLIGHTS       1..........50       2........150 Correlations: FLIGHTS, EMP. Pearson correlation of FLIGHTS and EMP. = 0.987 P-Value = 0.000 Analyze the above output to determine the regression equation. Find and interpret βˆ1 in the


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